Before starting the tutorial for the Back Porch Blooms quilt block I wanted to share with you my first of 3 quilts planned using the block.
This first little quilt could be made in a day. Such a sweet and simple quilt that would be great as wall hanging or as so many of you have mentioned a banner.
Since the pattern is simple I decide to keep my quilting simple also, then dress it up a little by making the scalloped border.
For the backing I used the same fabric as the pot because I LOVE this fabric. Now don't look to close at the picture below or you'll see that my binding has not been stitch to the's glued in place until I get time later in the week to sit down with needle and thread.
The pattern I'm sharing today is for what you see below with no scallops. However I will provide you with the name of tools I used for making making my scallops and a link to a tutorial if you'd like to make your own using that tool. There will also be two more links provided. One for the templates for making the flower pot and one of the complete tutorial without templates. I separated them because not everyone wants to print out the entire pattern just to get the templates.
So lets started with the fabric requirements. I let EQ7 do the math for fabric requirements and it says you'll need for the mini quilt above
1/2 of a yard for the background fabric
3/4 of a yard for the borders
The rest can be made from scraps or larger.
Before you start cutting please read carefully through all instructions first. All seams are pressed open unless otherwise stated.
Cutting for each block
From the background fabric
(1) 5.5 x 6 flower pot background
(4) 3" squares
(4) 2.5" squares
(10) 1.5" squares
From the green
(2) 4.5 x 3.5 leaves
(1) 1.5 x 3.5 stem
Flower pot fabrics
(1) 6.5 x 5.5 flower pot(yellow floral print)
(1) 7.5 x 1.5 pot rim(red gingham)
The Bloom
(4) 4.5 x 3 petals(red)
(4) 1.5 squares(same red as petals)
Center of Bloom
(1) 4.5 square
After collecting your fabrics print out your templates, and cut them on the dashed line.
I spray a little quilt basting glue on the back of my templates to keep them in place while cutting as shown below. I'm also cutting from yardage instead of the
6.5 x 5.5 in the cutting instructions.
Now for the background fabric on either side of the pot you need a 6" x 5.5" background fabric. Fold in short ends together, right sides together.
Place your smaller template face up, straight edge on the fold. Then cut the angle edge as show below.
Open up your cut piece and cut on the fold.
Here's how your block is laid out before sewing. I used the stitch, clip, and flip method on the leaves and the bloom. I don't mark my fabrics with a diagonal line I use Clearly Perfect Angles on the bed of my sewing machine to help me stitch a straight line from corner to corner without marking the fabric. But you can also draw a diagonal line on all (4) 2.5 background fabrics and stitch on that line to get the same result.
Stitch together to two sections as show below.
In the picture below you can see how my background fabric hangs off at the bottom and a little piece of the yellow print is sticking out from the top.
For the leaf unit place s 2.5" background fabrics with right sides down on the green 4.5 x 3.5 leaf fabric, stitch a diagonal line from corner to corner on the 2.5 background fabric. Be careful! Make sure your stitching them in the correct corner....don't as me how I know! After stitching cut 1/4" away from the stitched line.
Repeat on the other leaf and continue to assemble the block as shown below in the picture. Press the leaves unit towards the stem.
Stitch the top leaf unit to the bottom flower pot unit. Both the pot and the leaves unit will be pressed towards the rim(red gingham).
TADA! We're almost done. Grab a chocolate and admire your little pretty.
Layout your bloom block as shown below. Start by stitching your stitch, clip and flip pieces. Its the same as got this!
Oops! Where's my center? Let's just pretend its there and start stitching together the rows.
Like magic my center is in place...yeehaw! Press the top and bottom rows towards the background fabric and the center unit towards the center of the bloom.
Now just stitch your rows together and press towards the top and bottom units.
Finger press a crease in both units as shown below. With right sides together match up the creases, pin and stitch.
Press towards the bloom unit and reward yourself with 2 more chocolates...Yeah! Isn't she a cutie?
If you making the little quilt here's the measurements for the borders. For both the background fabric and the green border fabric add your side pieces first and then the top and bottom pieces.
To make the scallop edge I used Easy Scallop by Darlene Zimmerman.

This is the first of 3 free patterns using this block or portions of this block. On June 7th I'll host a Back Porch Blooms Linky party where you can link up your progress or better yet finished project. When you enter the linky party you're also entered to win this giveaway along with a few more things that haven't arrived via snail mail. On June 7th I'll also give you a sneak peek at the next free pattern using this block. One week later on June 13 I'll announce the winner and have a date set for the next linky party.

The purpose of doing this quilt along is to inspire you to create a quilt on your own and possibly inspire others with your ideas. I realize that not everyone is interested in drafting their own quilt patterns. That's why I'm doing free patterns so you can still participate in the linky party and giveaway. There will also be inspirational quilts throughout this quilt along. Quilts I've drawn up but will not be writing tutorials or patterns for them. However feel free to use them as inspiration or try to make them on your own. It's all about fun and creativity.
Hope to see a bouquet of Blooms soon!
~ Lea Anne ~
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