Monday, June 20, 2016

Podunk Posy and Watermelon Jelly

I'm so happy to finally have the Podunk Posy quilt quilted and bound.  As many of you already know I love designing and  making quilt tops but quilting them usually takes me awhile.  I went back through my blog posts to see when I put it on the frame.  Sadly it was put on the frame in December before moms long bought of hospital stays.   I've some excuses this time for my procrastinating even though I've had plenty of time to get it done.  
 Before moving on with this post I'd like to let the newcomers to my blog know the "Podunk Posy" is a free quilt pattern on my blog.  You can find it the Tutorials tab at the top of my blog.

 If I had to pick a favorite part of quilting I'd pick the binding.   Normally I machine stitch it to the front then hand sew it to the back.  On this one I chose to the quicker route by 100% machine attached binding.

The quilting really didn't take that long, most of it is free motion.  The scallops around the tulips were made using a ruler, and of course there's a little stitch in the ditch on the stems just so I could travel to the next area for free motion work.

They say the trick to a successful quilting design is repetitive shapes throughout the quilt.  So I  mimicked the scallops and meandering in the inner border.  
Is it a success?  I'm saying it is, because its complete and I still love this super simple quilt.  Isn't it funny how some of our most loved quilts are the simple squares.

In the quilt blog world a quilt isn't complete until you successfully photograph your new lovely.  To be honest the photography is more difficult than the entire quilting process.  Lighting, props and then you have the chickens who want to be a part of the action.  These chickens follow me everywhere because they know I'm the one who feeds them.  I hadn't planned on using them in my photo shoot but it turned out for the best.  

Until they started fighting.  The black chicken below is Beulah the bully.  She rules the roost.  If she doesn't settle down I see a frying pan in her future.  With all the ruckus I managed to get a good picture of the pieced backing.  To tell you the truth I love the back just as much as the front.   This is my new favorite way of backing a quilt and here's why.  I quilt on a frame which means my backing needs to be almost perfectly square.  Getting a large piece of fabric perfectly square isn't easy.  I can't tell you how many times I've loaded a quilt back to the frame thinking it was perfect only find it was NOT.  Loading a quilt backing to a frame by pinning it on like I do can take about 20 to 30 minutes.  So since I'm horrible at squaring up large pieces of fabric but pretty darn good(if i do say so myself) at cutting and piecing quilts... why not just have a nice large scrappy squares backing....problem solved!  

With all the clucking about backings I almost forgot my other little finish.  
"Watermelon Jelly"
MMM...yummy!  Have you ever had Watermelon Jelly?  Oh my... it's ridiculously delicious.  My mom made it when I was a little girl.  I've asked her for the recipe but we can't find it in her thousands of recipes.  She said one of her older customers gave her the recipe years ago.  I'm sure a similar recipe  can be found by doing a google search.  Anyway this little table topper or wall hanging was made using the leftover clip corners from my "First Kiss" quilt(another freebie pattern).  The gingham is from my vintage stash and works perfectly with the Pam Kitty fabrics.   I was shocked when Pam left a message saying she loved the gingham and would like  to know what line of fabric it came from.  The older fabrics don't have names on the selvages so I've no clue.  I can only guess it's age.  And my guess by fabric quality would be about 20 or 30 yrs old. 
 I'll be posting one of my quicky tutorials for this little cutie later in the week.  No actual piecing instructions but measurements for cutting making one yourself.

Here's a couple more pictures because I took about 30 from two different cameras.  Getting the perfect shot in the perfect lighting is difficult.

I've come to the conclusion outside pictures are great for props.  You can go on little adventures trying to find new and interesting spots for your quilts.  But there's nothing better than a well lit room in your house.  With outside pictures your at the mercy of mother nature in so many ways.  

Happy Stitching!
~ Lea Anne ~
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  1. What a bright and cheerful quilt. Love the quilting around the tulips. And I think the chickens make the photo.

  2. What a bright and cheerful quilt. Love the quilting around the tulips. And I think the chickens make the photo.

  3. Your finished quilts are gorgeous! The quilting is the definite icing on your quilt! Watermelon Jelly is delicious...the gingham is wonderful and the binding on the bias makes it sing!
    Well done!!

  4. A fabulous success! And the photos are so pretty too!
    Now you have me curious about the watermelon jelly... never heard of it but want to try it!!

  5. So nice to walk through the "quilting" journey with you. I love to hear the thought process as people are quilting their tops. Thank you for sharing!

  6. Oh my Lea your quilt is gorgeous! I love your quilting, you are so good a it. I think your photos are all great, but I really like the one with the chickens! It's a perfect look at country life with a quilt draped over the fence, lol!

  7. Such a Fresh, Happy Quilt! The photo of your hens in front of Podunk Posey made my morning! We were just sitting outside the other night and I told my husband I would love to have our sweet Rhode Island Red Hen, Cinnamon, back. She's been gone over 20 years and we still cherish the memories we have. Who knew a silly little off kilter chicken could occupy such a big space in one's heart?

  8. It is soooo gorgeous!! I love all the happy colors!

  9. love your quilts and your garden looks great

  10. Good Morning! I apologize for not being one who comments very often; but I really enjoy your blog and all of your quilts! This quilt is one of my favorites! Bright flowers with bright squares and wonderful quilting all come together to make this a very special beautiful quilt! Thank you so much for sharing and have a fantastic creative day!

  11. Awesome finish!! And the photos are the bomb. :D Love the chickens. The Watermelon Jelly quilt is just precious. I have never had watermelon jelly and love watermelon, so I'm going to have to find some to try. Beautiful quilts!

  12. Love both of those quilts, and the quilting was very successful. I'm all admiration for the FMQ all over. Great job!

  13. Congrats on both finishes. Both are gorgeous! I love the chickens in the shots, definitely not run of the mill in terms of photo shoot props!

  14. so good to see this completed and looking wonderful liking how the chickens are enjoying it too. Your watermellon quilt is lovely good to know you are going to share a tutorial for it too

  15. What a lovely quilt, actually two quilts and I love both!
    I prefer to take most of my pictures outside. Daylight is the best.
    All the best from Switzerland.

  16. Recipe for Watermelon jelly

  17. Delightful quilts! Envy you the chickens -- would love to have a couple.

  18. Your pictures always look great! Love the one with the chickens. =)

  19. Beautiful quilt, quilting and photos Lea Anne! I love the addition of the chickens too!

  20. Just Fabulous Lea Anne! Loved the chickens in the fore ground! It's on my list of "wanna make" Thanks for the pattern and photos!

  21. Your Podunk Posy quilt pattern has been in my To Do basket for a while now! If my children can stop giving me new grandchildren, and I can stop making baby quilts, I can get on track for finishing this quilt by next summer! I love seeing the quilts outside on the garden fence. Miss my garden in Virginia after moving home to Florida.

  22. Congrats, Posy is quilted, bound, stunning, and photographed! Rhonda recently posted a recipe for wateemelon jelly, (& pickled rind too!) I hope to make some soon!

  23. Oh my gosh, your quilts are gorgeous and I love the quilting on your Podunk Posy quilt.

  24. yup, it is gorgeous as are all of your wonderful projects. I honestly love this blog!

  25. I love the quilts, both of them, love the pictures especially the one on the garden fence, and the one with the chickens and love the chickens! I'm new here, and love your style!

    1. Thanks Vernagrace and Welcome to Podunk. Feel free to stop by anytime, the coffee pots always on! I can't reply to you via email because your status is no reply.

  26. Podunk Posie is beautiful - love the backing too!

  27. Congrats on two great finishes. I love them both. I think there is a watermelon rind jelly recipe in the Blue Book.

  28. I think you did a wonderful job taking pictures of these beauties. Podunk Posie looks like a cuddly quilt - it would be fun to wrap up in it and read a book in a porch swing. I love the outdoor pics - they look like they were taken at my sister's home and that is so fun for me to see! Your backing is great; I have a difficult time squaring up large pieces of fabric too, so maybe I can try a square pieced backing on one of my next projects. Thanks for sharing! Oh, and watermelon jelly sounds super yummy! :)

  29. Très joli quilt !
    J'adore la photo avec les poules.

  30. Love this scrappy quilt. A scrappy back was the perfect solution. Your quilting is fabulous!

  31. Two fabulous quilts! I love the quilting on your Podunk Posy in particular - and love your outdoor shots of them both! Thanks for sharing!

  32. You are so right about those simple squares. I think we all like to see a variety of fabric and there is something special about a scrappy quilt. Your quilting is amazing and adds so much detail. I especially love the ghost leaves you added to the flower stems. Your little Watermelon Jelly is super sweet, too and all the photos are gorgeous! I think chickens make much better props than cows.

  33. Love your quilts, and all the lovely quilting is amazing! Your photos are great, love the chickens!

  34. Love outdoor shots with props. I'm just too lazy to drive around to find said props! Thanks for linking up at Midweek Makers

  35. I've never had watermelon jelly, but my grandma often made watermelon pickles (out of the rinds). Yum! Your quilts are lovely!

  36. I really love this fresh quilt! Even though the quilt is "very simple" as you say, the quilting definitely is not, it is stunning! Quilting is usually my stumbling block to a finish, too. (visiting from Sew Cute Tuesday)

  37. Really love this quilt and your photos are awesome! I always have a hard time with the photos and they never do the quilts justice. Maybe I should borrow your chickens! Just so you know, I found you through Quiltstory.

  38. Love it! It's so pretty there on the fence. And the chickens are racking me up. I wish I had a lovely place like this to show off! Love the quilts and those little stars are precious!

  39. Your quilts turned out great! I love all of the pictures you took. I need to come up with some good places for photo shoots in my yard.


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