Sunday, May 21, 2023

I Stumbled Upon A FREE Fibonacci Spiral Quilt

Hello Quilty Friends!  I have no business playing in the fabric stash.  There's way too much to do but what the heck.  I haven't been able to play in the Studio for days.  I deserve a few minutes of fabric petting before the day begins.

The Fibonacci Spiral Quilt calls for 10 Fat Quarters.  So I pulled a whole slew of Pioneer Woman Fat Quarters.  Then I started whittling them down to what I thought would work best in this quilt.  The first ones to be cut are the solids because I'm not a fan of solids mixed in with prints.

Next to be cut from the grouping was the larger prints.  Two cheater prints and two large florals.  The quilt pattern has some smaller pieces and the large prints will get lost in the small cuts.  But one could say that might be a good thing and make the quilt look scrappier.  For now they are a no go for me.

Next I pulled out the ones I felt were too dark, too large, the wrong colors or I just didn't like.

I was left with these 10 fat quarters.  The large floral needs to go.

It was replaced with this medium floral.  How do I decide on fabrics?  Well as mentioned above, scale is important.  So is color.  Think about if the fabrics end up side by side in the quilt, are they going to muddle together or stand out from each other.  What if two of the light background fabrics end up side by side?  Will they blend or be noticeably different?  I'm considering pulling out the red gingham.  What do yo think? What would you change?  I'm not completely happy with this group of fabrics but for now, play time is over.  There's plants to be planted, a dog needing walked and yard to mow.

So let's talk about the FREE pattern.  It's called the Fibonacci Spiral.  What in the world is a Fibonacci Spiral?  I have seen this before but didn't know what it was called.  I'm sure we learned about it school but it didn't stick in my brain.  Let's just tell it like it is, I'm a simple person and geometry isn't my thing.  I understand basic math and quilt math, is that geometry?  Yes, I'm really that clueless!  So anyway below is the spiral.  A bunch of squares with arcs in them.  Looks like a quilt pattern to me and I could do the math to make this quilt block in no time but someone has already done the math for us! 

The quilt pattern reminds me of a Yellow Brick Road Quilt or Turning Twenty Quilt.  The pattern is well written and easy to follow.  This would also be a great scrap buster quilt.  There's only four sizes of squares.

Here's two samples made by the designer Michelle of Bit's and Pieces Quilting.    Great for a quick gift or charity quilt.

The FREE pattern is a YouTube tutorial. In the video description Michelle  shares a link to her blog where you can find the Free PDF printable in the patterns tab on her blog. 
  Click here to go to the YouTube Video,  She is fairly new at making YT videos and is doing a great.  Hop over and give her some quilty love!

Until next time...

I hope you find time to stitch up something sweet!

A video from my back porch I posted on FB a couple of days ago.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Lea Anne - Thanks for the shout out and I'm glad you like the pattern. Your fabrics look fantastic and I hope you enjoy making the Fibonacci Spiral. Cheers! Michelle


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