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But let's be honest, this quilt shouldn't even be in the rotation. Remember me setting up a new plan to only have three projects in rotation on this cart. Maybe I need a cart with more tiers. HAHA! In order to get closer to my goal, I will be removing the Heart Pops project out of rotation. The one block will be moved to the orphan blocks box because I just don't feel like making the B plan for this project.
After they were sorted by color, I started sorting by prints and how many I would need of each print. Oh my, what have I started! This is going to take forever! But I already have more than what is needed for the quilt. Yippee!
The quilt will have 169 blocks. Each block will need (4) matching hst's and (2) matching hst's. The singles are extras not needed for the block.
Yesterday was my weekly trip into town to run errands and do the weekly shopping. On the way home, I had to drive right past Hobby Lobby. Instead of driving past it, my car somehow ended up in the parking lot. It is funny how that happens.
Hi Quilty Friends! I did it! She's on the frame and ready to be quilted. After 11 yrs this gal is really going to be quilted. SQUEAL! This quilt has been pulled out of storage so many times over the years. I would do the quilt stare for days, searching my brain for just the right quilting plan. Then back in storage she would go. What changed? Well, it's simple. I no longer feel the need to quilt a quilt to death. Just getting it done is good enough.
Hey Quilty Friends! Guess what time it is? Springtime! The weather here in Podunk for the last few days has felt like Spring with a whopping 60 degrees yesterday. Today and tomorrow are supposed be about the same. Since spring is in the air, I thought it would be good time to quilt my Delightful Daisies quilt. It's been hanging out waiting on me for 11 years!
Hello Happy Quilters! After days of not stitching or doing anything quilty related I'm back! This quilt has been finished for over a week now. This morning all housework and chores have been pushed aside in order to photograph the finish.
Happy Valentine's Day Quilty Friends! Wishing you a day filled with love and laughter and of course lots of time doing whatever makes your little ole heart go pitter pat.