It was a quilty mail day yesterday. Who doesn't love quilty mail! The best package was this lovely little package from Corrie at
Quilt Taffy! Their
Etsy shop is full of delicious fabrics and patterns. Isn't funny how you get so excited to tear open a package even when you know whats in it! But what makes it even more exciting is I won it on the
Quilt Taffy Blog! (SQUEEAL!) Thank you so much to Corrie and Des, you have TRULY made this a SCRUMPTIOUS Day!
And this was also in the mail, an added bonus of eye candy that I wasn't expecting. Does anyone else keep these just to look through for inspiration? I've about 2 years worth that I occasionally flip through. Yep its an addiction! How do I know, because my heart races when I flip through the pages, and if I can't look at something quilty everyday I start getting anxious and need a fix. Sad, but healthier than ingesting harmful toxins.
Oh so now you want to know what was in the package....LOL! I just had to leave you hanging, just to see if you had the addiction too!
TADA! SCRUMPTIOUS! SCRUMP-DIDDLY-UMP-SHUSH! I've loved and wanted this fabric from the moment that they announced it, before it was even printed my saliva glands went all haywire and drooled on my keyboard. But being that I'm on a fabric diet...You know how it is only buy what you need to finish a project. But if your not buying its all fair game!
Well it took about .05 seconds for me to rip that cement bound package open. And within minutes the designing juices started flowing. I had to lay them out and add some of my leftover Marmalade to the mix. Notice how they are in stacks of three? Oh these little juicy morsels are being prepared for cutting. My pattern needed 6 more charms, and the Marmalade worked in just fine.

Now I told you earlier how when this package came I squealed like a little girl. But what I didn't mention is that I started singing. Yep right there in the driveway, package in hand, whirling and twirling. Its a good thing I live in the country, because city folks might have called 911 about the crazy lady dancing in the driveway. Since the day I saw this fabric I've been singing this song every time I see it. "Truly Scrumptious" from the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I've loved the movie since a child and my children were totally sick of watching it by the time they left home. And to this day if its on TV I'm watching it! (I have it on VHS but don't own a VCR, need to update the movies to DVD) Well if you have no idea what I'm talking about here's a little clip from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
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