Monday, September 16, 2013

Design Wall 9-16-13

Isn't it just a fine wonderfully beautiful Monday Morning!?  The heat wave has passed leaving the mornings crisp here in Podunk.  Sleeping with the windows open with my favorite quilt is just what a gal needs to feel refreshed and ready for the days inspiration.  And as always there's tons of it!  If your feeling like you need a little kick in the inspiration patootie, grab a cup of Joe and  head on over to Judy's to be amazed and inspired!    Oh what the heck lets link up with Connie over at Freemotionbytheriver also.  I've jumped in here to edit and add a link to Freshly Pieced WIP Wednesdays!  This is the first time I've linked up with Lee, what a great blog!  
  I'll admit not work much on my design wall this week.  Most of the work has been in my head and in EQ.  I'm a design as you go kinda quilter.  A couple of sections sewn together, the top middle and the one to right of the top middle.  Looking pretty cheery!  What do you think about "Carnival Carousel" as a name?  
Most spare time has been on this monster.  The sashing detail takes awhile, marking and ruler work overload!  Even the free motion to make the diamonds pop is so tedious.  And that ripper you see at the bottom right isn't there for props! 
 The set in sections....tons more ruler work.
 Tickle me with a feather, they are everywhere on this quilt!  
Well my cup of Joe is just about empty, that means it's time to get moving!    I've been using this cup for about 15 -20 years.  My ex-husband was a Camel smoker and saved up Camel dollars to get this cup free.  He didn't like it after he got it.  Well it fits my hand perfectly, I like a thick cup, stays hot longer.  So EVERYDAY this is washed and ready!


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  1. Wow love the carousel quilt, looks wonderful. And the quilting on the other is just stunning!!!

  2. Ditto to what Sue said. I am overwhelmed by your quilting and the carousel quilt just makes me smile.

  3. Great name -- Carnival Carousel. Your quilting is stunning. It will definitely be worth all the work you are putting into it. Wow.

  4. that is a great name for the quilt and it is beautiful!! and your quilting is amazing!!

  5. Oh Wow! What they said. My thoughts exactly. I'm in awe about your quilting. And Carousel is darling.

  6. Your quilting is just beautiful. And I like your quote at the end. I need to practice my machine quilting if I am ever going to get beyond the meander design. Maybe one day mine will look like yours. Just beautiful.

  7. Your quilting is amazing. Keep at it, girl! You have way more patience than I. Love that inspirational quote, too!

  8. Your quilting is fantastic. I've just bought a LAQ and my quilting is so pathetic. I know I need to practice a lot more to be able to get to your level. Love "Carnival Carousel" - so bright and cheery!

  9. Your quilting is outstanding. All that hard work is amazing!!

  10. Carnival Carousel is a perfect name! What you've done so far is gorgeous - I've not worked with that type of triangle before!

    I'd love for it to be cool enough to sleep with the windows open. That is so rare here in Florida and since I live in a big city, I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it.

    Your quilting is amazing! I can't even begin to imagine how many hours you have into that quilt. Or how many hours of practice you have under your belt!

  11. I think Carnival Carousel fits that quilt. It is just gorgeous. The colors are so cheerful. Oh how I wish we could open our windows. Here in South West Texas it was 97 degrees and the bugs are horrible. I think the misquitos are going to carry us off. lol
    Your quilting is just gorgeous. Love the feathers. I wish I was brave enough to do custom quilting all I do is edge to edge.
    Hope you have a great week my dear.

  12. I think Carnival Carousel fits that quilt. It is just gorgeous. The colors are so cheerful. Oh how I wish we could open our windows. Here in South West Texas it was 97 degrees and the bugs are horrible. I think the misquitos are going to carry us off. lol
    Your quilting is just gorgeous. Love the feathers. I wish I was brave enough to do custom quilting all I do is edge to edge.
    Hope you have a great week my dear.

  13. Love the Carnival Carousel name! Your 'monster' feather quilting is just beautiful!

  14. Your quilting is fabulous! Wow!

  15. Wow, your quilting is amazing!! Love it!!

  16. The first word that came to my mind when I saw your quilting was "wow" --- I see that's a common trend here ;)

  17. Love your quilt and quilting ...beautiful. Stopping by from WIP. Thanks for sharing Marie (

  18. Your triangle quilt is really fun! Your quilting is lovely, I'm sure that time spent on it will be worth it!

  19. What beautiful quilting! I could just look at it all day! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday


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