Saturday, October 11, 2014

Busy as a Bee

 It's been a busy week in Podunk.  I've been buzzing around like a bee from one project to another.  Last night I finally buzzed back over to the design table and started pre-assembling some posies with glue. 
 Glue basting makes the applique process so much easier.  But that bottle!  I'm using a Roxanne's basting glue bottle that has been refilled with washable school glue, it's cheaper and isn't as stiff as the original glue.  Occasionally I get a little messy and the glue to close to the edge, this means hand stitching through glue.  With the cheap Dollar Store washable school glue it's not an issue.  However that little tip still wants to clog.  Rinsing out the nozzle with water would stop this from happening but I'm tired of running to the kitchen everytime I want to stop.   So I made this little do-wicky from some wire Mr. Podunk had in the garage.  I'm not sure what kind of wire, all I know is he said he used to tie bolts together when he was an airplane mechanic.  Whatever it is, it works like a charm, no more clogs!  When I'm done I just put this in the nozzle and go!
 Maybe I should get more creative and make a posy or a butterfly for the handle at the top...some other time, there's to many other things to do.
 The tulip quilt is nearing the end, just a little more border quilting and she'll be ready for binding and the big reveal.  I could get more done if I'd quit playing around with the cute applique!

~ Lea Anne ~

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  1. Thanks for the tip about using washable glue. I hadn't used that before. your applique is just so pretty!

  2. your applique and quilt are just beautiful. Keep sharing as you go along, please.

  3. way to go on all your innovative solutions

  4. It's going to be amazing! You are a clever inventor! My garage door got stuck half way open today and I took my little tool box out there and just made it worse! LOL XO

  5. lovely applique and your do-wicky works a treat, a new word to me that do-wicky!

  6. I had the same problem with the tip of my Glue Baste it clogging up! I finally found a little wire doo-hickey with a plastic handle that works exactly like the one you made. Your tulip quilt is lovely and so is the applique you're working on!

  7. Love the tulip quilt. The colors are so happy. My Roxane's glue came with a little plastic piece that looks like the thing they use to hang price tags on clothes. (A long plastic thread with a wider cross piece on the end). So, if you ever lose your wire doohickey, just save one of those plastic hang tabs to replace it.

  8. I tried the glue method and it just wasn't for me! Just way to messy and then of course like you said it is difficult to stitch thru. Your projects are all gorgeous so glad it works for you!

  9. Life is full of distractions and your distractions are very pretty!

  10. Could you hot glue a cute button onto the top of your wire on each side maybe? Since I spent about 20 minutes yesterday unclogging the tip for my bottle I will be looking for some wire this evening. Thanks for the dandy fix.

  11. Your appliqué is always sew perfect! You most have lots of patience. Thx for the tip on Dollar Store glue. I've used Elmer's but this sounds better.

  12. Thanks for the tips on the glue and the gadget. I went back and read through some of your posts. Hand applique! Hand quilting! Oh my! All lovely!

  13. roxanne's is a mess!!! Seriously....glad to know I'm not the only one with clogging issues....can't wait to see this finish!

  14. I have a clogging issue with my Fray check bottle so I just stick a pin in when I am done and problem solved :-)
    Another beautiful quilt on the horizon for you!

  15. I love my Roxanne's. I have always used a pin with a flower head to put in my so it won't clog. And maybe cause I spread it thin, i never have an issue of going right though it when i hand-stitch.
    Your work is just gorgeous, I wish i could finish pieces as fast as you do, it takes me forever.

  16. Thanks for the tip on the glue and that is a great idea for keeping it from clogging!

  17. You are having too much fun with your glue and fabric!!


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