Tuesday, September 11, 2018

~ The Inspiration ~

I'm often asked what inspires my quilt patterns.  That's a hard question to answer because most of the time it's a collection of ideas stored in my brain over time until I feel the need to put them all together into a quilt.  With this quilt I had an idea that was growing but needed a little something more.  Before continuing with my inspiration for this quilt let me say ....it's hard to believe I'm actually enjoying these colors.  Orange, black, gray and purple rarely find their way into my quilts. So let me tell you how this happened.  SHOPPING!  Yes, a shopping trip inspired these colors.  All I need to say is Hobby Lobby and you all will totally understand.  

Normally I steer clear of Hobby Lobby, it's just too tempting to buy, buy, buy.  Not just fabric...EVERYTHING!  What a sensory overload...I want it all!  Cute little this and cute little that,but the thing that really caught my eye was the black and white gingham mixed in with the fall decor.  OMG!  You all know I'm a sucker for gingham.   Well I managed to get out of the store without buying a thing but went immediately to Joann Fabrics for some black gingham.  While the inspiration was hot on my brain I went to my computer and started designing quilts.  Now to find the fabric for these quilts since my stash is lacking blacks, greens and oranges.  No purple...I still can't deal with purple.  The orange polka dots below is my first purchase, it will be the backing for this quilt.

Luckily there's some scraps left over from my Autumn Memories (pictured below) quilt that will work nicely in this quilt design.  

 Hopefully I can have this one ready for a quilt top flimsy Friday post....this Friday.  Hope to see you then!

Linking up this post here

Hop over to these blogs for quilt inspiration!

~ Lea Anne ~
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  1. Lea Anne,

    I love it. I have a hard time at gabby lobby as well. Just too many things I like.

  2. This is so cute! I can't wait to see more of this. :D

  3. O my goodness, I should have stock in Hobby Lobby for all the times I've gone in and shopped, ha ha. I love going there! Luckily for me it's not here in my town but requires a 30 mile drive to go spend spend spend. The same goes for Joanns and Michaels, both of which are also in E-town. When my sisters and I go together, we make a day of it and of course do some fun eating at Panera or grab a burger & fries somewhere. We all craft so we love our shopping jaunts. I love your creativity! Keep on creating.

  4. Love the colors! It is going to look so cute together!

  5. Beautiful! What size will this be? I know what you mean about Hobby Lobby!!! So much cute stuff.

  6. I just love it when inspiration strikes like that! Sounds like this is going to be a good one - keep us posted!


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