The first thing to do is assemble the first column with the second, right sides together.
When feeding them through your sewing machine make sure you only take ONE stitch off of the end of the fabric. This is where the magic happens, so go slowly in order to make sure you only take one stitch off the fabric. I'm using an open toe foot for your visibility.
Then you will push the next set patches right up against the needle then stitch just as you did previously. Only one stitch off the fabric. Repeat this process until you have all of the first two rows assembled.
Once your first two columns are assemble remove them from under the presser foot and cut the thread from the needle but DO NOT cut them apart. You'll want to leave them in the order you fed them into the machine. Just slide them carefully to the left of your machine and press the seams to the darker fabric. I always finger press when assembling quilt blocks. Normally I heavily starch my fabrics. However these have not been starched at all and they finger pressed very well much to my surprise.
Okay now that they are pressed we will continue to assemble the block in the same manner.
Here's what it looks like after my third column is added.
Just keep adding columns and pressing to the dark. You'll end up with something that looks like this. The rows are webbed together by one tiny magical little stitch.
To assemble the rows turn the block to the right. Flip the row on the far right on top of the next row.
If you're like me and have a pinning obsession, you'll want to place a pin in the top and one in the bottom.
The rest of the seams are already nested together for you. No pinning needed! YAH!
Assemble the rest of the rows in the same manner, finger pressing as you go. If you want your seams pressed open you will need to clip each joining thread AFTER stitching the rows together, then press your seams open. It sounds like it takes a lot of time but it's really quick and easy to slide your scissors along the seam to clip the threads.
Click on the video below for a speedy little tutorial.
Just a little reminder that you can still gt 20% off you entire purchase at The Purple Hobbies website using the code PodunkPrettiesJan20
Offer ends February 29, 2020. Make sure when adding the code to your shopping cart that you click APPLY. You can see my review of the BladeSaver Thread cutter here. And the Third hand Binding Folder Clip here.

50% OFF Sweet Sixteen PDF pattern
Expires 2-15-2020 |
#quiltvideotutorial #quiltingtips #webbingaquiltblock
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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne