Friday, March 6, 2015

Playing with string scraps

The last quilt, Hillbilly Hookup, made a lot of scraps.  I tried tossing them in the trash, only to pull them out...twice.  Oh fiddlesticks!  I might as well just get it over with and make something from them.  Even though the scrap pieces were small and oddly shaped,  I managed to get enough 2.5 triangles cut for 7 wacky looking stars.

To cut the triangles I used a Hex N More ruler.  Unless my plan changes I'll need to use this ruler again to for the hex shape.

There's still a huge pile of  tiny string scraps.  Can I throw them away?  Not yet...I've tried but it just seems like a waste. 

~ Lea Anne ~
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  1. I'm cleaning up my cutting table tonight and cutting weird scraps into squares. I have no idea what I will do with them. My inclination is to put them in plastic bags with the size labeled on the bag. BUT I would just have to find a place for the bags...crikey...

  2. Heh thanks for this idea. I bought that same ruler, would love to proceed but I've not had the right focus on getting started. These stars look absolutely fabulous you know.

  3. Oh what cute little blocks. You must keep going!

  4. Wow,those are awesome. I love how bright the are.

  5. Love your stars. You always have the prettiest scraps - you just choose better than I do.

    Some folks use the "crumbs" to make potholders. Sheila at Sew Cook and Travel and Alycia at Alycia Quilts - see my side bar for links. I haven't gotten that memo yet. If it's too small for two 1/4" seam allowances it goes into the bag that will become filler for floor pillows and the bigger pieces have their own (now overflowing) box for something to be made later. I don't throw any pieces. If I don't like it, it might find it's way into the floor pillow as a bigger piece. (We can be vengeful you know.) Lol

  6. Fabric is very expensive here in England so no-one throws scraps, they sell them on Ebay! I made a whole quilt from tiny crumbs. I do like your stars. I have never seen that ruler, so I would love to see how you use it please?

  7. That quilt is on my list to make one day. Really pretty Lea Anne

  8. What darling stars! Looks like you still have a bunch of scraps left. Can't wait to see what you do with them. Keep up the great work. K-

  9. Oh.. these are fun! I just bought this ruler to use in a BOM that I joined this year. Thanks for sharing another idea for this one! Looking forward to seeing where you go with these little stars.


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