Monday, May 18, 2015

Mini Scraps

How many of you are like me and struggle with throwing away the smallest of  fabric scraps?  Well if we save them we must use them at some point.  This project was started about a year ago.  Occasionally I take it out and admire my tiny little 4 patches that need to be squared up to 1.5".  That's a pretty difficult task with just about any ruler in my collection. 

My smallest ruler is 4" x 4", it works but seemed to take forever, trimming two sides at a time then re-positioning the template for the other two sides.  Matching the ruler lines to the seam on the blocks is harder than you think, not much room for error.  I decided after about 20 blocks to make my own 1.5" square up ruler from Plexi-glass.  I've shared my template making in the past here and here.  One thing I get asked is "How do you keep the black lines on them."  Well I've tried several methods, tape, clear fingernail polish and nothing at all.  But scoring the lines with a razor knife and using a sharpy marker to fill the score lines works the best.   If your sharpy marks are outside the line no worries, just rub them with your thumb and the excess comes off.

To keep the template from slipping I sprayed the back with temporary quilt basting spray.  This works great!  When the glue gets "unsticky" and filled with lint,  just run it under water and wipe off the lint, like magic the glue is still there and sticky. (This makes me wonder how well it actually washes out of a quilt)  I trimmed all of my 4 patches without needing to reapply the basting spray.  When I tried to wash the glue off  my template with Dawn Dish washing liquid it wouldn't come off with out using a Magic Eraser.  No more spray glue in my quilts that's for sure!  At least not the Dritz brand.

I took the picture below because I wanted to stop working and move on to something else.

But if I quit now I'll need to lay out all of these 4 patches again....well darn, just keep plugging along.

Whew!  The center is complete! I'll tackle the borders tomorrow.

I'll be linking this post to the following linky parties.  Hop on over, be inspired, and link up too!

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  1. Really makes you think about that glue!!

  2. Whoa, those are teensy! Brilliant to make your own template, too. Great tips about the glue too. I wonder if it's any different than 3M 505 basting spray...

  3. Oh wow, those blocks are cute! Teeny tiny cute!! :) Those scraps would be tossed at my house. . . or thrown into a box and eventually given away.

    I wonder about whether or not it is really being washed out every time I use spray baste. . . I'm going to have to do a test on some fabric!

  4. I've never used spray adhesive on quilts before because of the cost. Guess I won't start now! Love your little minis. This is a very inspirational post. Thank you for sharing.

  5. So interesting about the basting spray! I'm going to have to do some testing. I love this center you created and look forward to seeing the whole quilt. Those scraps would definitely be tossed at my house! Maybe I need to rethink that.....:)

    1. Oops, I wanted to say thanks for linking up to Main Crush Monday. I appreciate it!

  6. Oh.... this is going to be a beauty! I love little squares. Thanks for the info on the basting spray. I haven't used it, but have looked at it a time or two. Looking forward to seeing what comes next with these little squares!

  7. not only do we share a name, and how unusual is that??? But we share a love of tiny scraps. I can't throw any away! I even have bee friends who bring me tiny ones! Your project is nuts and wonderful. I LOVE it. I'd wonder about the plexi edges being sharp? guess I need to follow your link to see how you addressed that issue.
    Basting spray? No way. When I got sensitve to adhesives I even backed away from fusible web. It's a necessary evil but I only use it if I have to. The spray will likely never really go away with the new low water washers as well. Doubt the quilts made with it will last like my grandmother's quilts did, through serious washing in pots on the front yard of their farm!!
    LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  8. Woow! I keep all my tiny scraps but man! you are very patient! :) It looks soooo cute by the way and will be so pretty when you finish it. The sticky glue makes me wonder too. Is it a basting spray or some other kind of spray glue? Maybe not suitable for basting? I think I will test my basting spray on a piece of scrap and then wash it to see if it actually dissolves! Thanks for sharing your template making tip and also thank you for linking up with Monday Makers! at Hug-a-Bit Quilts. xxxx

  9. Oh my, I love what you've done with your tiny scraps. I was just getting to a point where I had convinced myself that saving tiny pieces was ridiculous and now I see that I'm not alone. I love all things tiny and will have to give this a try!

  10. Scraps are great, but oh my they do take a lot more work too, lol!!! Love your cute little 4-patch and great ruler too. I never used a basting spray (can't stomach the fumes!).

  11. Cute little "little squares." I only save 1.5" squares and above. I can only deal with so many scraps and honestly, I'm not doing all that well with the sizes I do keep! If you can find it and want to pay the $$ for it try Sulky's temporary adhesive spray. I find that it really does go away. I think it is moisture sensitive because every once and a while it has vanished and I still need the "hold" power. Unfortunately I have a hard time finding it and always seem to pay full price for it. Bummer.

  12. Love that!!! I don't use scraps quite that small but they look amazing!

  13. I've never used basting spray and now probably never will. I am in love with this project though!

  14. You are so smart! For my tiny rulers, I use sandpaper dots. You can cut them in half if need be but 2 of them should work great for you. Ah well, I'm still quilting on that yellow basket quilt that I hate now.....heh heh. I'd be trying to sell those little rulers...

  15. Oh, gosh, yes, that's me - keeper of the smallest scraps. I have 1/2" wide pieces by varying lengths that I plan to 'someday' make into bias tape, except they aren't on the bias! Or maybe I'll just sew them together with 1/8" seams. Someday...

  16. Love your squares and thanks for the tips on making your own squaring up template. My next project is going to make something out of the 1.5 inch squares that I have been sewing into foursies. I need to do some planning.

  17. I was just reading a japanese patchwork book and they said hand piecing such small scraps is faster than machine sewing. Do you agree?

  18. such tiny squares this is going to look spectacular when completed

  19. A proof that even the smallest things can be used to create beautiful pieces!

  20. wow, those are tiny squares! It's going to be a fab quilt - is it a mini?

  21. Wow are those teeny tiny and perfect!! Thanks for the tips on the template and the basting spray too!

  22. Thanks for all the great tips. Your little square are so cute. You have such a great eye for color placement.

  23. That's fantastic! Love the fabrics you've used and the tips are so great, thanks

  24. This goes well beyond crazy. I applaud you for taking on a task like that. However. The finished quilt will make it all worthwhile. It'll be a beauty.

  25. Very tine 4-patches, but they are so cute when you make them into bigger blocks.


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