Well I'm still sorting fabrics and making plans for new projects. If you missed out on the mess I made you can read about it here. These may or may not get made but at least the scraps will be a little more organized. I do this every now and then. While organizing my mind can create some beautiful quilt designs that may or may not be made. It's also very therapeutic. Just standing here looking at this mound of fabric makes me sigh. What a glorious site to behold. Instead of designing a quilt I think I'll let these fabrics work their own magic by making a Scrappy Vortex Quilt. You can see and read more about Crazy Mom Quilts Vortex quilt here. It was a quilt along from a few years ago. It's a great idea for mindless sewing and using up some scraps.

Not all of the scraps I've been hoarding will make it into a quilt. This big yellow bag has become my dog pillow bag. Most of the scraps in this back were in glass jars that were for decoration in my studio. It's time to let them go and put them to good use. Waste not, want not, right? So a dog bed is the perfect answer. In the bottom of the bag is also some smaller pieces of batting that will never be used. Seriously, I've been holding onto it for 5-10 years, the chance of me using aren't good. Not to mention there still 10 times that much I'm keeping.
During this cleaning and organizing I've also gathered up all the flippy corner bonus HST's and put them in one box. The box on the right holds the needs to be cut to a usable size pieces. The box on the left is the finished HST's squared up and sorted by size in labeled baggies.
I've also added a marker and extra baggies should I need them for different sizes. Two days of chasing down baggies and a marker made me wonder why I didn't just add them to the box. I buy both baggies and markers in large quantities. So chasing them down everyday seems a little silly.
Every morning the first thing I do in the studio before starting anything else is grab a few HST's and square them up. Doing as many as I can in 30 minutes before working on my current quilt project. At this pace it could take months to finish them. That is IF I can stick with it. I've tried this before and....well...here I am still trying to get them done. Wish me luck!
Now it's time to admit that I have a problem. A one inch HST was saved today. Why? Well my motto has always been "If I can put a stitch it, I can quilt it." The hoarder in me can not let it go, at least not for now.
In my defense I want to show you a quilt I made a few years ago. The blocks finish at 1.25". They to were flip and clip bonus HST's. So there....I have and excuse for hoarding. HA!
I wish I could tell you the box of triangles was all of them but it is not. I also have many more that still need to be stitch together. And with every quilt this just keeps getting larger. Can I ever get to the bottom of this jar as a leaders and enders? Only time will tell. My instinct says just go sew a few together every day after you trim up the ones in the box. Maybe I could devote another 30 minutes the the jar of triangles.
I might as well come clean. I have another stash of triangles in my sewing cabinet. These are all white. There's also a stash of hundreds of white 2.5" squares under the lid. I promise that's all of them, that I know of.
Is it really hoarding if it's organized? At what point does it tip the crazy scale? The lens you use to look through makes all the difference when it comes to crazy. I know you all understand...this is not crazy, it's just good common sense. I see fabric scraps like this $$$$. Not to open a can of worms but things have been a little crazy in the last year. Who knows what can happen next. If toilet paper sells out I've got us covered with hoarded fabric I don't like. HAHA!
I'm moving along some scraps this week. Whoo hoo! MOOVING!!!!!!!!
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on the flippy corners I started just taking that second seam as I am sewing so instead of 2 loose pieces at can slip and slide I have a finished triangle... Is that what you are doing or are yours all lose?
ReplyDeleteI cut them off as I go or press the block and its real easy to toss the ones that are just to small.
it's not hoarding if it's useful to you... it's fabric which as you've shown can be made into lovely small works that bring flashes of beauty on a wall.
ReplyDeleteOne person without vision calls it hoarding, another person with knowledge of the joy it brings calls it a collection. Or a hobby both valid reasons to keep it. Right?
I wonder how comfy those flat fabric scraps are in dog beds when Milo seeks fluffy beds but we feel better not throwing shards away. There are always the quilts where you use shards like paint, and put net over to quilt landscape scenes but for me now, I'm letting those shards go
If you would like to use your organizing talents on someone elses stash.... Haha!! this looks so great!
ReplyDeleteWhere did you find those pretty plastic boxes? Love your motivation and determination! You WILL get it done!