Friday, May 7, 2021

Sunshine and Rainows

Hello Quilting Friends!  I just wanted to pop in and give you an update on my current leaders and enders project.  Slowly but surely I'm finishing up the cornerstones and sashing.  


When most of us think of a leaders and enders project we think of a Bonnie Hunter quilt.  Bonnies quilts more often than not do not have one consistent fabric let alone two or three.  The idea to keep this a 100% leaders and enders quilt sounds like a good idea but I'm at the point of just get it done.  Learning to use the leaders and enders method has been a real chore for me and I'm happy with my progress.  I love the idea of scrappy blocks but I also like the look of the consistent fabrics in the sashings and borders.

So here's my plan to bring together my scrappy blocks.  These simple blocks were made from leftovers.  The plan for the quilt was to use up the blue and yellow squares.  Cutting a bunch of  different scrap fabrics to make the sashing, cornerstones and border scrappy as well was never my intention.  I'll save all that energy for Bonnie's next mystery quilt.

In my mind I see a big beautiful floral print for the border but I don't have one.  Today at lunch time will be a good time to search my favorite online shops for just the right border fabric.  I'm giving myself one hour.  If I can't find what I want in an hour then I'll just have to make due with whatever I can pull from the stash.

Before I go back to the Studio I wanted to share with you our beautiful sky that rolled in yesterday evening.  It looked kind of scary and there was absolutely no wind which made it even scarier.   But as this front moved closer it brought a cold wind.  As quickly as it came it left.

And look what she left behind!  Beautiful!

If I see a rainbow I must have a picture.  They are one of the most beautiful things in nature.  You would think they were rare by the way I behave but really they aren't rare at all here in Podunk.  We are blessed with them several times a year.  They all look pretty much the same but I always feel as if it's the first time I've ever seen one.  It's not just me, Mr. Podunk takes a picture every time as well.  Do you? 

The blue and yellow leaders and enders is moving along.  

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  1. Your leader/ender project is terrific. I can't imagine making a quilt without making leader/enders along with it. I have over three hundred 3" nine patches just waiting to be put into a quilt at some point. Nine patches are a great l/e. I also use my bonus triangles as l/e. Someday I'll have a lovely quilt made with a bounty of half square triangles.
    Love your rainbows!

  2. Blue and yellow is a favorite combination of colors. Love how yours are turning out. Excellent.


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