Monday, September 8, 2014

Around the World Blog Hop

Welcome to Podunk, I'm Lea Anne, your next stop in the Around the World Blog Hop.  Before we get started on the tour I'd like to take the time to thank Bev of 44th Street Fabric for tagging me back in August.  We've been bloggy friends for a year or two.  To be honest I'm not sure how I stumbled upon her blog, but was hooked from the first visit.  Right now she's working on the cutest Gossip in the Garden quilt and a Farmers Wife.  She's been kind enough to offer fabric bundles in her Etsy Shop for the Farmers Wife.
   Not only does she inspire me in quilty ways by her use of color and fussy cutting, but she also helped me to quit drinking Mountain Dew.  Yep I've been Mountain Dew free for about 2 months.  The constant spewing of it out my nose while reading her e-mails was the help I needed.  Thanks Bev!  

Okay on with the Hop.  This Hop is all about getting to know your favorite bloggers or new to you bloggers by answering a few questions.  So here we go!

1. What am I working on?

The past few days "The Daisies" have been taking up all my time.  Inspired by my flower garden, designed by me.

The back burner project is My Gals quilt.  The pattern is by Lynn Wilder called Nostalgic Christmas.  Printing the free images found on Pinterest and using bright colors is giving the quilt a whole new look.  
 And lets not forget the one on the frame.  Another one of my designs, inspired by Lori Holts Tulips block from the book Quilty Fun.  

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?

What is my genre?  Not sure if I have one.  Is Bright and Happy a Genre?  

3. Why do I write/create what I do?

This is a question asked often from those non-quilty folks.  The best answer is why do some people like chocolate ice cream and others vanilla?  When you know what you love, share it, that's where happiness resides.  Sharing my current kitchen plumbing project(problem) wouldn't make me nearly as happy.  
Podunk Pretties was created because my extended family and friends were constantly asking what I was making.  Being that most of them couldn't tell the difference between a Dresden and a Tulip block, I started this blog.  I also taught a small quilting class that used my blog as a reference.  Posting block tutorials here when the winter weather kept me stranded in Podunk.  

4. How does my writing/creating process work?

IMPULSIVELY!  Learning to keep several pads of paper handy at all times has helped with the flood of ideas.  As with most quilters there's a library of books and magazines in my studio.  To be honest I've made very few quilts from them.  They serve as reference along with the hundreds of quilt blogs I follow and read daily.  For a few years I worked on deadlines and commissioned projects.  After decision was made to not take on as many commissioned projects it opened up the door to creativity allowing me to just work as freely as I wanted.  
 The only thing I make myself do is a yearly Breast Cancer quilt.  Usually starting it in the early part of the year.  Sometimes it's pink and sometimes it's not.  Sadly,  I never have a problem finding a recipient.  So far I've made 7 and delivered 6.  The last one delivered was to my SIL Robin last year.  
 Robin is in her 60's and has two adopted school aged children.  Happy to say she's doing great!
The one below was the most emotional to deliver.  Presented to my moms friend Sherryl that has had cancer 3 times.  She stayed up beat and happy as I shaved what was left of her hair.  When I presented her with the quilt " Flying into the Pink" we both teared up.  She's still in the Pink too!  
So that's all about me now it's my turn to tag a couple of new to me quilters.  The first one is Plum Quilts.  A stay at home mom that somehow finds the time to make cute projects!  Her chicken post card last week gave me a good chuckle.  And the second blogger is In the BoonDocks,  lots of excitement and colorful projects.  Her style of quilting is right up my alley.

~ Lea Anne ~

Of course it's also DWM, so hop on over to Judy's for more inspiration!

 Today's freebie from  April Rosenthal 

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  1. Hi, Lea Anne. I love your daisy project! How are you planning to applique them to the background? I know what you mean about Muggles, I mean, NON-magical quiltwizarly folk, not understanding why we do what we do. My sons ask, 'but who is the quilt FOR?" and when I say it's just for me, because I feel like making it, they look at me like I'm crazy. The other thing is that back-handed compliment when a nonquilter sees what you're making and they say, "OMG, HOW LONG did that take you?!" or "I could NEVER have the patience to do that." The assumption is that the quilter is some kind of neurotic crazy person, torturing herself endlessly to make something that sane and sensible people would just purchase from Bed Bath and Beyond. No one says to the golfer who just made a hole in one, "OMG, how many hours of your life did you have to waste chasing after little white balls on the golf course in order to do that?!" ;-)

    1. This is SPOT ON! I love the golf analogy, too! I usually just reply to such exclamations as you noted with, "I had fun doing it" or "I got to try a new technique; didn't it turn out well?" I don't claim to be Miss Manners (though I do read her column!), but not everybody understands healthy obsessions. It is healthy, right? ;)

  2. I can't get over how much I admire your designing and quilting skills! What an amazing quilter who has everything it takes to create gorgeous quilt after gorgeous quilt. What I'm also impressed with is the fact that you finish them! You are also a beautiful person and have been a true blessing to me! I'm so happy to have found you! XO

  3. so good to read and discover more about you Lea not sure what Mountain Dew is but you seem pleased to have knocked it on the head

  4. So adorable. I love those daisies!

  5. Your daisies are definitely going to be a beautiful finish! I enjoyed learning more about you and love your style! I added myself as a GFC follower and your blog to my blogroll so not to miss out on future posts. I look forward to following you! Stop on by:

  6. So, so pretty and fresh! Makes me feel like the first day of spring is coming, not the first day of fall! Love the inspired use of the Dresden style in such an original way...just lovely.

  7. Lea Anne, "Bright and Happy" is definitely your genre. I love your advice: "When you know what you love, share it, that's where happiness resides." Your quilts and original designs are amazing - you have a true gift there! Also, may God bless you for all the breast cancer quilts you have made!

  8. What a great post, I love all of your creativity!


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