Monday, September 15, 2014

Oh what a beautiful Morning!

Oh what a beautiful day, I've got a beautiful feeeeeeeling........

Good Morning Quilty Friends!  Is everyone enjoying the beautiful fall weather?  This is my favorite time of year.   The crisp morning air is so refreshing.  I'm one of those people who loves to have the windows open.  Waking up with a little chill in the air and sipping on a cup of coffee is heaven.  What a way to get the day started!  Add a little quilty inspiration from 
Judy's Design Wall Monday Linky and it's even better.
A lot has happened over the weekend but not a lot in the Studio.  My design wall is creeping along slowly.  After pinning a few of the small dresdens to the design wall and doing the quilt stare I'm just not sure this is "doing it" for me.
 All the white spaces are going to covered with little daisies dresdens.  Well that was a plan, but now I'm not sure.  Maybe once I get them all on the wall I'll like it better.
Below is the time stealing green beans I canned this week.  Normally I freeze green beans.  All of my canning in the past was done by water bath method.  If it couldn't be canned in boiling hot water I froze it.  Why?  I'm terrified of pressure canners.  Why?  When I was a kid my girlfriends mom was canning squash and it the canner lid somehow blew off, leaving her with 2nd and 3rd degree burns on her face and arms.  Well our freezers are full, and there's tons of beans on the vine.  It's time to get over the fear of pressure canning.  So last Tuesday I purchased a Canner.  It sat in the box until yesterday. I read and reread the instructions, watched youtube videos, searched canning blogs, feeling no more confident about using it than before.  Finally about 2 pm yesterday I decided to just grab the bull by the horns and DO IT.  Of course after that little Jiggly thing on top started making noises I hid around the corner watching the pot from afar.  Nearly having a heart attack when I had to run in and adjust the burner temperature.   I'm not quite as afraid, but I've still tons to learn about water to veggie ratio.  About 7 jars will need to be eaten soon because the water in them reduced by half.  That's when big hungry families come in handy.  They love eating mistakes!
Now for the good news.  My grandbabies came to town!  My daughter Amanda(on the right)  and her 2 little sweeties came for a quick visit on Saturday.  The only thing that would have made this day better was to have my youngest son here also, but he had to work.   My oldest son(Derek) is the handsome fella on the left.   And those little ones atop are my grandbabies Hunter and Aylin.  
 Getting everyone to look at the camera was impossible.  I didn't care, at least they were here!

~ Lea Anne ~

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  1. I LOVE your little dresdens in with the big daisy dresdens! This is such a happy quilt. Your family looks quite happy, too! And good for you for tackling your canning fears. The first step is always the most difficult.

  2. What an enchanting quilt! I have never seen any think like it! Follow through with your will be beautiful.

  3. Your quilt is going to be gorgeous! Sounds like you had a happy and productive weekend.

  4. Beautiful quilt. I like the cheerful colors. The little Dresdens look fine. I think those newer pressure canners are fine as long as you read the instructions, but still that always worried me too about pressure canners and I still have never used one.

  5. Love your quilt, your kids are beautiful and you are a brave canning diva! XO

  6. what a beautiful Quilt and I love the coloures <3

  7. The Dresdens look like big lollipops.

  8. I like all the little dresdens scattered across the quilt - they just seem to dance! And I agree with you - the weather right now is perfect - I love that cool crisp air in the morning. I've got all my windows open and the house smells fresher. Now if it could only stay like this until it would warm back up in Spring... I could easily pass by this winter particularly if it is like last winter and I think it is going to be that way.

  9. Wow, I love your Dresden Daisies.

  10. Tehe ... you had me giggling with your canning story! Love those flowers too :)

  11. I love your quilt with the addition of the little Dresdens. It is going to be beautiful.

  12. I love your quilt and the addition of the little dresdens. Now it has the perfect amount of white.

  13. the quilt looks lovely with the daisies dotted around, I could tell you of a home that would love to have it if you do not want it!!!! I love runner beans but have to buy mine ready frozen, good that you have mastered the technique with your new pressure canner. How lovely to have the family visit such darling little grandchildren, mine is now 16 going on 20

  14. I kind of like the way your blocks look with the little daisies just towards the bottom and and the upper blocks not being as crowded, makes me the think of the sky. I was super scared of pressure canners too, but nowadays they are a lot safer then when we were kids.

  15. I've been watching and watching this quilt. I love it so much! I can't wait for your final design decisions. Good luck with the pressure canner. I'm a bit terrified of them myself. My ex mother-in-law had a similar problem. Enjoy those grandbabies!

  16. I love love love your dresden garden!


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