Friday, August 28, 2015

Making quilt decisions

Top of the morning quilty buds!  Thank you to everyone for the well wishes to momma.  It'll make her day when I show her all the prayers being sent her way.  The plan was to show her the comments yesterday before they put in her chemo port but wouldn't you know it I've caught a horrible cold.  We decided it's best for me to stay away from her until my cold is gone or until they absolutely need my assistance.  So I've purchases some lovely surgical masks just in case.

The progress on the lily quilt.   She's still nameless even with all the great suggestions on my last post.  If you missed my post about this block you can see it here and find measurements for making your own Lily block.   I will not be doing a tutorial or pattern for this quilt due to momma's illness.

Right now ideas of how to finish are being tossed around.
Leave it as is and bind it.

The decision was made to leave out the applique but I could still add a little.

Or maybe I could do a fancy border.

Add some yo-yo's

Or go hog wild by adding the leaves, border and yo-yo's.

Decisions, decisions, decisions!  

I'm linking up with some great Linky Parties today.  Hop on over to see more quilt inspirations and link up your projects also!  You don't need a blog to link up, most linky parties allow other social media pictures!

Can I get a WHOOP WHOOP@Confessionsofafabricaddict




~ Lea Anne ~
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  1. I like leaves, borders & yo-yo's...OH MY!

  2. Best wishes to you and your mom. My dad finished a 6 month chemo regimen a month ago and will be starting again in a few weeks. I love your ideas for this new quilt! I always make boring borders! LOL

  3. The last option is the Bomb!! Wow! I will continue to send up prayers for your parents and you. Happy Quilting!

  4. Lea Anne I missed the information about your Mom and just went back to read about her. I agree about how we don't know one another but when our blogging slows down, we are missed. Staying in touch with blogging friends has kept me going these past few months. My prayers will be with you.
    Your lilies are just beautiful, no matter how you finish it up. :)

  5. i love the version with the yo-yos. What program do you use to have those options? Sorry to hear about your cold. Best wishes once again for your mom.

  6. So sorry that your mom is going through this. I did a post on how to make port softies for cushioning her port from the seat belt in the car. I'll send you the link if you want. Like your quilt. Visiting from Creative Goodness.

  7. I like the simplicity of the leaves and binding. Or maybe leaves, small white "borders" on two sides, and binding. Health and good wishes to you and your mum.

  8. yes it is right not to visit Mum as her immune system could be effected by the chemo and the last thing she needs is a cold on top of her treatment, must be so hard not to be there though, prayers are being said for you all. Loving the quilt, not so sure about the scalloped edge as it distracted me from the quilt itself which is so lovely

  9. Add me to the list of people sending out prayers to your momma and all of your family! I love the look of this quilt without borders. Haven't seen the names others have suggested but how about Thoroughly Modern Lily?

  10. Hoping the chemo is going well for your Mother. I'll keep your family in my prayers this week.

    You can't go wrong with any of those potential finishes, they all look great.

  11. Hope you are better and mom`s chemo is going well.

    Any of the layout is stsunnig.

  12. So many fun quilty options to decide on! Take care of yourself and I hope your Mom does well with her treatment.

  13. It's beautiful, maybe you should send it to that mag. That does New blocks every year

  14. I hope you are feeling better! I am sorry about your mom, will pray for her!

  15. I'm doing the bottom one! May as well go all the way with it lol!! And as luck would have it, I can actually start NOW!! :)))


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