Monday, August 10, 2015

That inner voice

The ideas have been flowing in like a tidal wave!  So many cute ideas.  The problem with that is I'm a visual/hands on kinda quilter.  Which means I need to see it, feel it, play around with it and that makes scrap pieces when there's several ideas.  I could use EQ7 to draft a quilt, but it can take longer, especially when drawing applique pieces.  So most of the time I use good old paper and pencil.  Another problem is my mind sees elaborate applique that me, myself and I have no interest in making.  The little pink mustache or grammar school bird shape was one of those ideas.

Here's the little birdy shape strutting her stuff.  Oh yes, a scallop around this dresden would be ADORABLE!  But the three musketeer alter ego's rejected the plan. What a lazy gang of naysayers.   They quickly put in their two cents of how long it would take to make the pieces, let alone stitch them down. (sigh)  So what's a gal to do but take the advice of a group that knows me so well.  They know if I go with this plan it'll become a UFO.  I tried my best to let them know that it's ONLY a four block setting, and they reminded me that it's canning season in Podunk, and free time for quilting is very limited.  The voice of reason, where were you when I buying fabric, templates I'll never use and what about during the expensive sewing machine purchases?   I don't recall you helping me out then!  Oh well what's a gal to do, this is a democracy. So me, myself and I have voted to go with the easier plan.  But I want everyone in bloggyland to know Lea Anne wants the scallops!

The one thing that we all agree on is linking up at these great linky parties.  We voted and its unanimous you should visit each of these links, and of course link up your lovelies too!  If you don't have a blog that's okay, because most linky parties let you link from other social media.  Me, myself and I are very powerful persuaders so...see you there!

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  1. The three of you make great quilts. Don't second guess those other two... they've got your back. LOL

  2. always make me laugh. I love this layout so far. It kinda looks like a little purse right now. So cute!

  3. Your inner voice is a genius!

  4. Thanks so much for the morning chuckle! Your project is fabulous!

  5. I'm sorry your voices talked you out of the scallops. It would have been even more gorgeous than it's going to be. The voices are usually right, though!

  6. loving your fabric choices!!! loving your project! wow!

  7. Love your conversation with the might triumvirate. I really like the scalloped border. Maybe you should use it on a one block appliqué that finds a special spot on your wall? Just saying! Enjoy the stitching and canning..

  8. I think your Inner Voices need to be muzzled. There is no such thing as a UFO -- only Works In Progress. Also there are no deadlines. The scalloped border and mustache applique are so fabulous -- who cares if it takes longer? The more time you spend making each quilt, the more value (creative enjoyment, relaxation, and compliments) you get for every dollar you spent on fabric and supplies. Fast projects are actually a lot more expensive than the slow projects, if you think about it that way. Can you imagine how much it would cost if we all completed a quilt in a day, EVERY day?

    One more thing: The first one of ANYTHING takes a lot longer than the last one. You get a groove on, you work out a system, and then efficiency and repetition make the subsequent tries go a lot more smoothly than that first one. Just because it took a long time and it was a pain in the butt to make the first scalloped border and moustache thingy doesn't mean that it would take that long to make each and every one of them. Especially if you sat down and made all the borders at once, then all the moustache thingys at once. I'm just sayin'... :-)

  9. Listen to Rebecca Grace's voice.....I echo what she says. LOL The scallops are great, the mustaches are great, and I LOVE that Dresden! Whatever you do, it will be fabulous. Your fabric choices are tugging at my heart strings, I love them! Thanks for linking up to Main Crush Monday. :)

  10. Your fabrics are so sweet and the scallops are great. Thanks for a fun post.

  11. very nice design and as soon as I saw it I thought love those scallops shame not to use them, I back Rebecca and her comment

  12. Beautiful blocks! I like the scallops too, but do so understand the line between finishing something and ending up with a UFO.

  13. I agree with Rebecca Grace! Love the pattern and fabrics!

  14. I love this! So beautiful and fresh. I wanna make one too!


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