Friday, May 2, 2014

A Flyby Friday

Wow!  Where did this week go?  Here it is Friday already and so little to share.  Time just seems to fly by while  making these Hummingbird blocks.   This is the 1 inch scrap pieces that are left from the Hummingbird blocks. Oh the plans for these little bits!  
I'd like to have this completely pieced by next weekend.  On average I can piece about 20 blocks a day.  Maybe letting the laundry pile up and not cooking would make this go quicker.  Not sure Ross would agree to my domestic boycott. 
 Counting them only seems to slow down progress , all I know is that the pile doesn't look any smaller.  And the 196 planned blocks isn't sounding so good right now.  But I'm digging in and sticking to it....for now anyway.  
Well I better get moving so I don't lose that quilty mojo!

~ Lea Anne ~

Today's freebie a Pat Sloan Design
Pats blog can be found here

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  1. They are so very very pretty! Keep up the good work!!

  2. Look at all those seams! Don't you wonder if quilters have a masochistic side? After I do a lot of blocks like this, I start to feel sorry for myself-lol. That's why my ufo pile is so huge. I feel sorry for myself just looking at all you get done....hahahahaha....

  3. HI,just adorable! Want to do some like this too!
    Thanks for sharing!!!!

  4. It will be amazing!! Worth it in the long run :0)

  5. I have a hard time keeping up with housework when I am in a quilting mood too! LOL

  6. oh yes you must complete this it is so very pretty

  7. Beautiful blocks! It will be worth all the effort.

  8. Yes, keep going! It's going to be fantastic!!


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