Thursday, August 30, 2018

~ A Pattern Sale ~

Happy Labor Day weekend!  I'm kicking off the holiday weekend with a PDF pattern sale in my Etsy shop only.  25% off all PDF's.  Click here to go to my pattern shop.  

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Labor Day!

~ Lea Anne ~

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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

~ On a Roll ~

 Hi-diddly-O Friends!  For the first time ever working out of my color comfort zone is actually fun.  Whoa...must have something to do with Mercury being in retrograde.  I've no idea what that means, all I know is right now the planet Mercury is doing some weirdo stuff and some say it makes strange things happen.  OOOOO....SPOOKY STUFF!  

Well.... out here in Podunk strange stuff happens everyday.  Spooky?  Sometimes...but that's a story for another day.  We'll stick to the strange stuff today.   Example....yesterday morning while letting the chickens out to roam I noticed this ugly little guy in our raccoon trap.  Opossums aren't real destructive so he was free to leave.   For some odd reason he decided to nap in the cage all day.  When hubby came home in the evening he quickly gave sleeping beauty his eviction notice and sent him on his way.  Never seen a critter that wanted to be caged....strange.   It wouldn't surprise one bit if he comes back tonight...I'll keep you posted.

For now I'm back in the Studio stitching my little nine patches....and craving a Pumpkin roll.  This strange craving has nothing to do with Mercury and everything to do with orange fabric.  Orange fabric = pumpkins  in my mind.  And pumpkins = PUMPKIN ROLLS!  YUM!  

Have you ever made a Pumpkin roll?  This is one of the desserts the family insists I make every Thanksgiving.    You could smear cream cheese on cardboard and it would be delicious!  I wanted to share the recipe with you but was too lazy to go digging for it.  Well, I found the same recipe online with a quick google search.  And the plus was this gal is also a crafter/quilter/chef.   The picture and recipe below is courtesy of Adrianne of

She has several awesome sewing projects that you can find here.  But the one I thought was super cute and on my list of must makes is this cute little bandanna pumpkin.  It's a no sew project, perfect for a quicky seasonal decor project.   I'm pretty sure Walmart and the Dollar General have orange bandannas.   My laziness paid off this time!  Hmm...maybe Mercury is working it's weirdness after all....SPOOKY!

~ Lea Anne ~

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Monday, August 27, 2018

~ Fall is in the Air~

Hi Sweet Quilty Friends!  We had some unseasonably cool weather last week.  It only lasted a couple of days but it was long enough to get the love of Autumn kick started.  Well going shopping at Hobby Lobby was also a big help.  The fall decor this year is loaded with black gingham.  Yeah gingham!  You all know my love of gingham....ANY COLOR!  The starts of a new series of quilt patterns has begun.  Inspiration is a funny thing, you just never know when or where it will happen or where it will lead once it strikes. 

While prepping my fabrics for cutting I had to stop for a bit to read every word on this fat quarter from the Autumn Love collection by Riley Blake.  It brought a smile to my face and a calming in my heart.  Not every fabric has this overwhelming effect, especially fabrics in gray and black...colors I rarely use.  Of course fabric makes me happy but blacks and grays?...not so much.  

It really is the little things that make the difference.   Could this be the start of a new love affair with darker colors?  Or is it just a quick fling?  Only time will tell.  For now I'm loving where this inspiration is headed.

~ Lea Anne ~
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Saturday, August 11, 2018

~ Trunk Show ~

Hey happy quilters!  I'm super excited to announce my very first Trunk Show!  
Kathy from the Evening Star Quilt Guild would love to see some new faces at the quild meeting.  If you plan on attending please contact Kathy to let her know you will be visiting.  You can contact her on Facebook here.

The last couple of weeks has a been a treasure hunt.  Pulling quilt from everywhere around the house.  Oh my goodness!, I think I've an quilt obsession!  And this isn't all of them in my house.  And we won't even talk about how many have been gifted.    Now to go through them all and decide which ones will go to the trunk show.

Looking forward to meeting everyone!

~ Lea Anne ~
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Monday, August 6, 2018

~ Block One ~ Save the Bees ~ GIVEAWAY


 Yeah!  It's finally here!  The first block of the Save the Bee's Free Block of the month.  If your just hearing of this block of the month and would like to join in the fun, you can find all the details by CLICKING HERE.  After joining in the fun and getting your first free block you can share your creations in the Sew Quilty Friends Facebook Group.

As soon as I heard the theme of this years BOM I knew it was for me.  My husband is a beekeeper and I've said for years a bee quilt was on my bucket list of quilts to make.
Instead of  making the blocks into a quilt I decided to use the blocks to make wall hangings for the studio.  

In true Lea Anne style these blocks will be made with Lakehouse Drygoods fabrics.  Over the years I've collected a fairly large stash of the discontinued fabrics.  In the block 1 pattern it called for adding stitches to each petal.  By fussy cutting the hearts on the outer petals and the stripes on the inner petals I gave the petals the whimsical look without doing any stitching.   

In order to get my hearts to fit inside each petal the patter had to be altered just a tiny bit.  The image below shows how I made two templates from the original pattern.  The templates were made from 3 layers of freezer paper.  For more information about how to make freezer paper templates CLICK HERE

Normally I would use the freezer paper templates for turned edge applique.  But these blocks will be made using raw edge applique so the templates made tracing onto Heat N Bond Lite a little bit easier.  They also were used to trace the shape around the hearts before cutting them out of the fabric.

In the original pattern all the petals are not uniform.  So my flower head ended up a little larger than the pattern.  It's not noticeable until I layer the pattern on top of my block.  Below shows the difference in size.

For the half square triangles in the border of the block I decided to use some scrap flippy corners left over from another quilt.  You can see the quilt here.  The blue basket sets beside my sewing machine.  When making a quilt with Flippy corners I sew an extra diagonal line to make a bonus HST.  No scraps!  See how to make the bonus HST's here

They needed a little trimming down. 

A true quarter inch binding was made for the the binding.  I like the look of a smaller binding on a small quilt.  However I did have a bit of trouble getting it to the right size.  You can read about it here and download an print a free double fold binding chart.

The backing fabric is a scrap from a previous project.  

I love how this little wall hanging turned out using nothing but scraps! OOPS...the background fabric was a new fat quarter.

Another alteration to the pattern was using a striped fabric for the Bee body instead of  the little bitty applique or stitching the stripes.

All machine stitching, no hand work at all except for sewing the binding to the back of the quilt.

I think the whimsical flower is my favorite part of this block.  

So let's get to the fun stuff...The GIVEAWAYS!  Each blogger in the blog hop will be giving away a copy of The Splendid Sampler book courtesy of Martingale.

  Make sure you visit each featured blog for more chances to win.  The list bloggers below.

Podunk Pretties you are here

To enter for the giveaway here at Podunk Pretties follow the directions below.  Giveaway will end 8/12/2018

~ Lea Anne ~
To be entered to win, click the blue "add your link" button below! .You do NOT need a blog or a URL to enter. Just add your name and email address. Leave all other fields blank. Your email address will NOT be visible to anyone but me, but you MUST include an email address to be entered.Do NOT leave your entry in the comments section.Ready, Set, Enter!!
1. Quilter Kathy  132. Alicia Whitmer  263. Patricia Stallman  
2. Cathy Smith  133. Linda Lovely  264. Sharon Aurora  
3. Sue singer  134. Sherry Morrison  265. Beve  
4. Amy Cofer  135. janice zavitz  266. Janet T  
5. Sheila Jones  136. Gerry Prodger  267. Monica Kostak  
6. Leslie Wagoner  137. Lisa Rausch  268. Rebekah Newell  
7. Terri Karls  138. Sandy Gibson  269. Shirley Fleming  
8. Judy Rogers  139. Linda Moreno  270. Nancy Powell  
9. Janice Bowie  140. Susan Shannon-Graves  271. SL Fost  
10. Marleen  141. Carolyn  272. Kathy Vines  
11. Darlene B  142. Bobbie Z.  273. Jo McGonigle  
12. Michelle Martin  143. katrina ramm  274. Sandra Thurston  
13. Carolyn  144. Cathy Hawkins  275. Judy Conrad  
14. Lisa England  145. Susan Pletcher  276. Claire Okasaki  
15. Patty A.  146. Jimmie Williams  277. ANNA M  
16. Elizabeth Lopez  147. kathy sorkin  278. MJ Tichich  
17. maria elena blecha  148. Sue D  279. Thunder  
18. Elizabeth Davis  149. Debbie Adams  280. Ginger Barnes  
19. LaWonne McCoy  150. Leslie K.  281. Cynthia Maki  
20. Cheryl  151. Karen Guler  282. Cindy  
21. Sandra Woodruff  152. Laurie Anders  283. Cindy  
22. Carol B  153. Laurie Anders  284. Debbie  
23. Tammy Browning  154. Kim Costella  285. Barb K.  
24. Gina Clabough  155. Sally Ann  286. Rhonda  
25. Tamara Gassen  156. Katy Taylor  287. Lisa Lamie  
26. Tina Sheppard  157. Linda  288. Cathy L Wilson  
27. Katrina Linger  158. Judy Butera  289. Maria Schoeb  
28. Jasmine Meakim  159. Tam Dobson  290. Chantal L.  
29. Kathy Langston  160. Tania Untalan  291. Dora Morris  
30. Patricia Evans  161. Tam Dobson  292. Kathy Upton  
31. Kathy Langston  162. Malinda Henson  293. Debbie Stebbins  
32. Linda Schoenbaum  163. Julie  294. Nina G  
33. Geri Young  164. Teri Swanberg  295. Janet Thomas  
34. Bette McLennan  165. Heather Baxter  296. Marcia Freeman  
35. Jean Craig  166. Lline Woodall  297. Peggy Pike  
36. Barbara H  167. Glenise Magnano  298. Cindy Shelley  
37. Sarah P  168. Lynette Wilson  299. Ginabeth Young  
38. Ouida Brown  169. Karla Berg Walker  300. Dorothy  
39. Karen S  170. Diane Beesmer  301. Darlee  
40. Julie R  171. Susan Evans  302. Kathy E.  
41. Julie Fitzpatrick  172. Paula Chapman  303. Barbara Johnson  
42. Sue Weaver  173. Cathy  304. MYRA STAVICK  
43. Suzanne Reese  174. Merricarol Mahoney  305. Terri Gale  
44. Kerie Harris  175. Beverly Martinson  306. Barbara Behringer  
45. Geri A  176. Sandy F.  307. Diane Oubre  
46. Linda Copas  177. Mary Dombrovski  308. Carol Kobashigawa  
47. Kathy AmRhein  178. Susan Jones  309. Eileen Maher  
48. Lisa Dye  179. Sheree A.  310. Debi  
49. L’Donna Hogue  180. Tom Weisser  311. Judy Horvath  
50. Judy  181. Polly Mckenna  312. Tonni Shirley  
51. Teri c  182. Tonie M Peterson  313. MaryAnn Buske  
52. Bonnie Whiteley  183. Liz Horgan  314. Cindy Pieters  
53. brenda  184. DEBRA LEWIS  315. Jill  
54. Cheryl Scott  185. Rita Long  316. Bonnie Larson  
55. Suzanne  186. Claudette Moore  317. Machelle Smith  
56. Sandra Richardson  187. Julie Dunn  318. Daryl Perry  
57. debi holland  188. Debbie H  319. Lisa K. Byrd  
58. Lynne M. Sawyer  189. Carol Remmick  320. Kaye Walker  
59. Penny Olver  190. Julie in GA  321. Lynne Stucke  
60. Ouida Brown  191. Beverly M  322. Renee  
61. Patti Cole  192. Susan Montague  323. Lou Joi Poelman  
62. Debbie  193. Cathy  324. Sharon Bentle  
63. Susan  194. Pat Urbeck  325. Lori M.  
64. Marlene Capelle  195. Karen Vince  326. Sandra Davis_Joliet  
65. Rebecca Dean  196. Karen Dowd  327. REBA  
66. LaTawnia Porter  197. Karen Pollard  328. Rebecca Herron  
67. Susan Green  198. Lana Byrd  329. Janet McPherson  
68. Linda Giddens  199. Susan Kluger  330. Donica Miller  
69. Susan Du  200. mary abendroth  331. Natalie Bonham  
70. Jeannette Fry  201. Gail  332. Carrie ciak  
71. Nancy Bennink  202. Denise Beimer  333. Angela Bowling  
72. Karen Guler  203. Tabatha Smith  334. Bonnie Stalzer  
73. Susan Stanton  204. Darcey  335. Vicky H  
74. Victoria  205. Gale Glassy  336. Tina Cook  
75. Victoria  206. Marcia H Baker  337. Lisa Galloway  
76. Claudia Kumpe  207. Pat Bandura  338. Edna Warden  
77. Sharon Rowe  208. Cheryl Lea  339. lee  
78. Margie Adkins  209. Lisa Richter  340. Kimberly Anne Brandt  
79. Ruth Arrowsmith  210. Marg Willard  341. Susan Ford  
80. Valerie Lanham  211. Linda Ahrens  342. Bonnie H  
81. barbara woods  212. Kristy Wilkinson  343. Merrilee H  
82. Karen Carpenter  213. Victoria Rose  344. Randi Lundberg  
83. Terry McCloskey  214. April Lopez  345. Helen L. Handley  
84. Sandra Rizzo  215. Karin Oswald  346. Ellen Busch  
85. Laura Fuller  216. Tracey mccombe  347. Heidi S  
86. Leslie W.  217. Margaret Wills  348. Licinia Luz  
87. Sheri  218. Bobbie Campbell  349. Kay Ricr  
88. Carolee Herechski  219. Michelle Victoria  350. Sheila Bales  
89. Sharon Bossler  220. Ronelle  351. Turid Bakken  
90. Danette Stankovich  221. Beth T.  352. Kiy Naylor  
91. Arleta Kersh  222. Sherri Burrier  353. Laura Parsons  
92. Jana Fetch  223. Peg Cox  354. Laura M  
93. Dorie  224. Diana Haas  355. Simone Thompson  
94. Estie  225. Cheryl J Hand  356. Lisa Henderson  
95. Linda S  226. Shirley  357. Vicki  
96. Kate Agar-Ross  227. Hannie from Holland  358. Lucy Blum  
97. Pamela McDonald  228. Deborah W.  359. Linda C. Clark  
98. Lydia Gonzales  229. cathy k  360. Judy Black  
99. Carol Mina  230. Carol  361. Stella Liwanpo  
100. Diane Plunkett  231. michele breault  362. Sylvia Baker  
101. Cherie Burton  232. dorris dale  363. Jessica Thomas  
102. Deborah L. Mosley  233. Marie Amthauer  364. Jessica Thomas  
103. Deborah L. Mosley  234. Mary Lou Paoletti  365. Mary VanDoodewaard  
104. Vickie Bell  235. Pat Wade  366. Sherrie Rheault  
105. Jodi Lewis  236. Pamela Bunch  367. Judy  
106. Judy Stolz  237. Kathy Nester  368. Lynne T.  
107. Gina K  238. Pam Sandlin  369. Poppi  
108. Mary Myers  239. Anita Jackson  370. Dianna Turner  
109. Sharon Quaintance Treece  240. Tara  371. Gail  
110. Kathy I  241. Sarah  372. Deb G  
111. Laurel Lee Pedersen  242. Sarah  373. Chris  
112. Eleanor Wildstein  243. Sandra York  374. Chris  
113. Denise Waterfield  244. Pat Simpson  375. Nancy G  
114. Quilting In the Finger Lakes  245. Michelle Horgan  376. Jean Visser  
115. Charlene Arnold  246. Deborah Norris  377. Teresa Knittingdancer  
116. Izzy  247. Wendy  378. Kathy Hicks  
117. Linda Eaves  248. Sharon west  379. Laura Veldjesgraaf  
118. Dorothy Burkholder  249. DeAnna S  380. Susan Scott  
119. Debbie Spadafora  250. Susan L.  381. Janet Maple  
120. Jeanne Humphrey  251. Catharine Biddy  382. Linda Cobarrubias  
121. Jeanne Humphrey  252. Carol Morris  383. Tina Bellotti  
122. Clare  253. Allison CB  384. Kathy Hooton  
123. Pat W.  254. Kellie McKinney  385. Jayne P  
124. Marilyn Yager  255. Kim S from Calgary  386. Cathy  
125. elizabeth porter  256. Janet Sweeden  387. Glenda Morrow  
126. Karen Bernard  257. Pam K  388. Lois Kahns  
127. debi holland  258. Agnes willard  389. Linda Eatherton  
128. Deborah Q  259. Vicki in MN  390. Cassie Carney  
129. Lynn D in NC  260. Julie Z  391. Cathy Courtney  
130. Carla McGuire  261. Kathy  392. Denise :)  
131. Kathy Throckmorton  262. Tabitha Vasquez  393. Laura Sloan  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

~ Love is in the Air ~

Yes it's true, my little ole heart is going pitter-pat.  Flying by the seat of my pants with this quilt design has let the creativity flow.  The design layout has changed several times, I think it might be finished evolving.   

It all started with this little 5.5" Dresden Block.   You would think by its tiny size that it was a pain to make, but really it wasn't. If you can make a normal 12" block you can make this.

Fussy cutting is fairly new to me.  In the past I would avoid it at all cost.  It just seemed so tedious.  Well what was I thinking?  The fussy cutting has taken the simple design from the cutesy little ...awe...   To a big WOW!  

As usual there's a few quilty rules being broken.  Fusible and turned edge applique techniques are used in this project.   I'm sure that makes some ruler maker cringe.   The Dresden's and all the circles are turned edge. Turning the edges of the circles is the only way to get them perfectly least for ME to get them close to perfect.
There's a few more final touches to make before sharing the entire 24" block.  See you in a few days for the big reveal! 

Before leaving I want to give a big Hillbilly Hollar to Aunt Em's Soap.  This Mint soap has changed the look and feel of my skin.  It has the most amazing cent that you can't find at Walmart and it's gentle enough to use on my entire body.  Since I started using this a few months ago I no longer need to moisturize, the constant itchy skin is gone   It's priced higher than the yukky store bought stuff but it last so much longer, and I don't need to buy any products to repair the dry skin as with the other soaps. I think I'm actually saving money!  And to put the icing on the cake Em is a quilter and uses her tiny little scraps for packaging.  That's my kind of gal...use it up and re-purpose.  You can find Em's quilt an soap shop by clicking here.  Make sure you hop over to her quilt blog,  Em's Scrapbag, she always stitching up a scrappy beauty.

~  Lea Anne ~

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