Sunday, November 12, 2023

Apple Stack Cake

My family had our Thanksgiving dinner yesterday.   With so many families to visit it's easier to schedule it before or after the actual date.  This year I decided to try a not so traditional dessert from my dads youth.  He's talk for many years about a seven layer Plum Cake made by his Aunt Jewel who lived in Kentucky.   I've searched for years for this recipe.  I'm pretty sure it was her own recipe.  A few months ago I stumbled upon a video of a seven layer Apple Stack Cake.  My thought is Aunt Jewel changed it up a bit to make it her own.  So I did too.

Dad has also talked about Grandma making plum butter. Jewel was Grandma's sister in law and they grew up in the same area of KY.  The chances of them cooking in a similar way is pretty good.   Anyway, Grandma didn't have enough plums to make the plum butter so she added apples. It ended up being more like apple butter.  I've searched for plum butter recipes and they all were more of a jelly not a butter.  Dad and I both bought locally made plum butters but they weren't like grandmas.  So I decided to take the recipe from the Apple Stack Cake and add our plum butters to the apple mixer.  I also went rogue on the leaf design on the top of the cake.

It was delicious but dad said it still isn't what Aunt Jewel had made.  Her cakes were thicker and lighter.  So I guess I'll try again some other time.   Mr. Podunk and dad will be testing a lot of Apple/Plum Stack Cakes over the next year.  

The video for the cake I made can be found here.  If you are like me and love cookbooks, you'll want to get the one where this recipe can be found.  It's called More Than Moonshine.

It's not your typical recipe book.  I love how the recipes are sprinkled with stories of her life in the Appalachian Mountains.

Until Next Time...

I hope you find time to stitch up something sweet!

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  1. You always have such yummy recipes as well as great quilts and stories. Thank you!

  2. Your cake is beautiful and im sure it was great with all that love thrown into the mix. I’ll enjoy your process, good luck considering that for most of us our memories continue to get “sweeter with time”.


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