Thursday, November 9, 2023

Backing And Quilting ~ Cabin In The Woods

 As a quilt top is being made I start thinking about how it will be quilted.  I tend to over think this process, hence the reason for over 20 quilt tops waiting to be quilted.  This quilt was loaded to the frame with no ideas for how it would be quilted.  I did the quilt stare for a bit before it hit me....Who cares?!  Just quilt it!  Keep it simple and quick.  So here's the plan so far. 

Oh!  Remember yesterday when I was concerned about finding a backing and binding in my stash?  I didn't find a binding but I found five yards of this Pat Sloan print hiding in my cabinet.  Perfect for the backing!

Well, sorta.  I had to break a quilting rule.  Imagine that, me not following the quilt police guidelines.  It had to be done or go shopping for fabric. I had to the leave the selvage on the seam. This should give me just enough backing.  About an inch and a half at the bottom of the quilt.  That's cutting it close.  I prefer four or five inches all the way around a quilt when quilting on the frame.  Let's hope my math is correct and the quilt doesn't shift.  Wish me luck!

Until next time...

I hope you find time to stitch up something sweet!

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  1. What batting are you using, you quilt looks like it has some nice definition forming:)

  2. Have you ever tried basting a piece of fabric on the bottom of a short backing temporarily so you have the extra length you need?
    You'd just stop quilting before hitting it and could just take it off to use again should the need arise.


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