Friday, September 20, 2024

100 Blue Bow-Tie Blocks

 Hi Friends! It's so exciting to have 100 more Bow-Tie blocks completed.  These little blocks are addictive.

I don't know why it makes me smile to think of someday finishing a quilt with (900) three inch Bow-Tie blocks.  As the work area was being prepped I took a step back to admire the many prints.  It's hard to believe I had 100 different blue prints in my scrap bins.  My fabric stash building didn't start until 2005.  Before 2005 I was making quilts from upcycled and repurposed fabric.  I had never heard of building a stash.

Back then I had the basics.  An old free sewing machine from my old high school that was going to be trashed.  No quilt books or patterns.  I had one of my mom's old pin cushions with about 50 old short metal head pins.  

Today in my studio, I have more fabric than I'll ever be able to use.  And the same goes for patterns and books, I could never make them all.  Pins?  Yes, I stock pile pins of all types.  Fine pins, thick pins, flower head, large ball head, small ball heads, glass heads, pearl heads.  However, I'm happy to report the silicone head pins have not made it into the pin stash...yet.  

The pin stash came in handy this week.  I had to open a package of fine glass head pins so I could put three pins in each block to hold the two halves of the blocks together perfectly.  Of course they were put back into the pin stash after sewing the blocks together.  

Even with all the pinning a few of the blocks needed a little trimming and squaring up.  

Some of the blues look a little greener than I thought.  That's okay, I'm sure when I get to sorting in the green bins I'll find some prints that look a little closer to blue than green.

To keep them tidy and easy to count later on, I'm clipping them together in groups of ten. 

Only about 700 more to go!

Next up is the pink scrap bins.  I'll start the sorting today and keep going until I feel the need to switch to another project.   For the time being this one has my attention.  But you know that can change in the blink of an eye.

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1 comment:

  1. I’m enjoying your bow tie adventure. I too, have more fabrics and patterns than I will be able to use in my lifetime but pins, I do not have a lifetime supply, lol.


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