Friday, September 6, 2024

The Twist🎵🎵

Hey Quilters!  What a fun few days I've had doing the twist while stitching this applique in place.
🎵Come on quilters...Let's do the Twist!🎵

And 🎵.Let's Twist again!🎵

For a little fun let's do the🎵 Peppermint Twist... Round and Round, up and two three kick🎵

Yes, it was so  much fun while I was 🎵Twisting The Night Away!🎵

SHEW! What a fun workout!(sarcasm) but an ole gal like me can only do so much twisting.  My dance partner quilt top is getting quite the workout as well.  She's just a baby and too much excitement makes her a little frazzled. 

 After be-bopping around five or six stars it occurred to me there's an easier way to do the twist.  A real slap in the forehead moment.  I've known this for years.  Stitch together as much applique as you can before adding it to the quilt top. !!!SLAP!!!

Sure, I'll still need to stitch the blue flower in place but it's a little less of the fun twisting with the entire quilt top.

If I pull off the rest of the blue flowers and stars it will make it easier to stitch the red applique to the quilt top.  That's the new plan because  an old gal like me(55) can only do The Twist for so long and then she's ready for a lazy 🎵Tennessee Waltz🎵

By the way you can click on the song titles to listen/watch the music videos on YouTube. Enjoy!  If you're like me you might want to end with a good cool down waltz.

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  1. LOL what a cute post. It was so much fun to watch you and your dancing partner do the twist. What a cutie this quilt is . Enjoy doing the Tennessee Waltz. It sounds a lot easier. Hee! Hee! . Can not wait to see the full reveal . Hugs.

  2. Thanks for the applique tip. I don't do much applique but will definitely remember it. Your quilt is so adorable.


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