Monday, September 9, 2024

Time For Fall Quilts

I may be jumping the gun a bit but I'm ready for the leaves to change, no weeds to pull, campfires, and sweat free living!  

So to kick start the fall season this weekend was spent washing the summer quilts and bringing out the fall quilts.  Below is my stash of seasonal quilts.  The boxes with stars are not full of quilts.  They are mostly decor with only one quilt shoved in one because I'm running out of space.  The plan is to someday put shelves in the closet and do away with the totes.  Then what would I do with all the totes?  More fabric!  HAHA!

My fall quilt stash is small compared to all the other seasonal quilts.   There was more but I gave a garbage bag full to my son and daughter in law. They like the darker colors and use them all year.  All O have left is the tiny little stack in the picture below.  And while digging for them I found a couple quilts in need of labels.  Might as well put a label on them while they are out of the boxes.

And as I was folding up the newly washed summer quilts and preparing them to be stored...I found two more with no labels.  Guess what I'm doing today?  You guessed it! Making and adding labels to these quilts.

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  1. Sounds like you have a busy day ahead- decorating with fall pretties until your heart is content. Love the pumpkin quilt - how pretty. Have a super week, Lea Anne and Happy decorating.

  2. Looks like you need to sew up some more fall quilts then!!


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