Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Quilting By Candlelight

 Last week our power went out twice due to thunderstorms. The first outage happened during the daylight hours and there was no property damage we could go about business as usual as long as it didn't require electricity.

I chose to open the curtains in the studio and sort through the blue scrap bins for fabrics to use in my scrappy Bow-tie quilt.

100 different blue fabrics is needed.  (2) 2" and (2) 1.25" of each print.  Somewhere around 70 fabrics the power was restored.   

It didn't take long to find the last 30 prints.  There's a lot of fun memories in these bins of fabric.  The dark blue fabric with big bright multicolored dots is from a Halloween  clown costume I made for my daughter when she was in the 3rd or 4th grade.  She's now 36 yrs old with 4 children.  The fabric right behind it is from my moms stash.  If I had to guess the age of the fabric I would say it's from the 80's.  It's not 100% cotton but it'll work just fine in this quilt.

I would love to start cutting, pressing and assemble a few of these blocks but there's a lot to do this week so I don't know if I'll have time to spend in the studio.  So I found an empty basket to store them in until I get around to pressing and cutting.

Mr. Podunk took a last minute vacation and will be home ALL week.  We won't be traveling.  He will be working on the back porch.  We need to replace the temporary stairs, add railing and paint.  I've been waiting for this since we remodeled the back of the house 6 years ago. I can't wait to see it finished.   While he works on the porch I'll be doing some fall yardwork and of course being his lovely assistant when needed.

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  1. It's so nice to complete those 'temporary' jobs. Happy stitching!

  2. Lea Anne, even your little storage basket is adorable and coordinates with your fabrics! I love that you have so many wonderful memories carried in those fabric scraps. Good luck to you and Mr. Podunk with your deck project!


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Happy Stitching! Lea Anne

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