Friday, January 11, 2019

~ Losing Steam ~

Well I did it, I quilted till I wilted.  There was not one more stitch left in me when I finally decided to call it a day last night around 10 PM.     This morning I'm recharged and ready to tackle several different projects.  It's going to be another busy day.  First thing is to finish machine stitching the binding on this quilt. 

Then it's to the office to ship orders.  My new office is getting quite the workout this week.  Quilters are taking advantage of the 30% off sale I'm having in my Etsy shop on all patterns with hearts in the design. 

 The inventory is getting low on a few of my patterns.  I've put in an order to replenish the inventory and will need to run into town later today to pick them up.  While in town I might as well do my weekly shopping since there's a big snow storm coming.  One to three inches!  Better get some bread and milk!....HA!HA!  I say that as a joke but I would almost bet shoppers will be clearing the shelves.

Hopefully I'll have time when I get home to photograph my Good Fortune quilt and then tackle the mess in the studio.  Keeping things in order when working on two quilts at once has proven to be quite the challenge.  Earlier in the week I did a little 15 minute cleanup so I could put the Good Fortune quilt on the frame.

I need to clear off my old desk and decide what to do with it now that I have an office. It's too tall to use as a sewing table.  It would make a good ironing table but I already have one that I love.   The other option would be to make it my die cutter station.  Right now it has become my "Things that need to be done before putting them away table".  Everything on this table needs attention of some sort.  A stack of fabric that needs to be sorted by color and stored.  Printer manual that needs holes punched and put into a binder.  Quilts needing to photographed or labeled.  Quite possibly a couple days work to get it all done.   Well I better get moving!  Time is much to do!

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  1. Sounds like a wonderful sew/shopping day ahead before the storm. Glad your shop is having such successful sales.

  2. Hi Lea Anne! I thought I was the only one that had an old desk with stuff stacked on it like yours. All of the stuff needs just a little attention, but I don't give any to it. I am north of you, in SE Wisconsin, and we are supposed to only get a dusting since the storm is supposedly staying to the south. Normally, the grocery stores would be packed - BIG storm coming is all the weather forecasters need to say. I hope you're having a productive day! Happy Friday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. We're on the northern edge of the storm so won't get much snow. What a good excuse to stay home and sew! Happy stitching no matter how much snow you get.

  4. You can send some snow south, Lea Anne! We're just getting a cold rain here in AL! Here I thought we were the only ones who enjoyed "milk sandwiches" when snow was predicted! LOL LOL Go stock up before the shelves get wiped out! Three inches would be a BIG storm for us. My grands would love it. I'd love just looking at it! We usually get ice with ours and living on a hill we are stuck in for a few days until we thaw out!


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